Thursday, January 31, 2013

White and Nerdy Satire

                                                             "White & Nerdy"

This song by Weird Al Yankovic shows satire by making fun of the fact that all these so called gangsters think they are so cool and unstoppable, but in reality they are the complete opposite of that. He talks about how he wants to hang out with the cool gangsters, but his appearance makes that impossible. This shows how many people think that gangsters have to be a certain way and cannot spend their weekends at the Renaissance fair as Weird Al does. This song satirizes gangsters in close to every aspect of their life. It talks about how you need a certain car in order to be a gangster and how people will simply roll their eyes at you if you are just white and nerdy looking. Overall this song shows satire by adding humor to the thought of gangsters and how they should be. 

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