Thursday, January 31, 2013

Immigration Satire

This cartoon shows satire in multiple ways. First off it is shown by identifying the Federal Immigration Enforcement as a fat and lazy man who does nothing but sleep all day. When you see an officer portrayed like this one gets the idea that he/she is doing nothing to help the immigration problem and is just acting as though he/she is. The fact that the officer is just sleeping at the U.S./Mexico border shows satire by illustrating the fact that the Americans are not doing anything.  The Arizona Police man saying that since he is lazy and irresponsible is satire because that is how most people view America and we tend to forget that. The officers automatically are also insinuating that if he was working hard and being responsible that it could be presumed that he was in fact an immigrant. This cartoon really satirizes how people judge the illegal immigrants when in reality they are hard working individuals, that are looking for a better life.

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